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Why it’s worth reading crazy-sounding scenarios about the future
Future underpins an uncertain backdrop. It is not a no-brainer to predict what will happen, but there is a plethora of people and institutions that are mapping out the future. As per, there are three core scenarios to be considered. 
The first is related to planning, which wielded its origin during the second world war. Specifically, Royal Dutch Shell developed several projects to make predictions so as to avoid speculations. Years later, many large companies, such as Facebook or even N.A.T.O, adopted this approach to forecast far-fetched scenarios.
The second one is connected with science fiction, which has been applied to various branches of knowledge such as robotics, climatology or gender politics. On top of that, it has played a remarkable role as a forward-scanner for technological, social and political issues. Amazon’s Alexa voice-assistant, M. Banks’s “Culture” novels, the virtual world of Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash”, Chinese sci-fi and Afrofuturism are some examples .
 The last is corporate anthropology and trendspotting. Many multinational firms employ roving anthropologists to look for “edge cases”, i.e., fledgling technologies and behaviour patterns that have not yet been widely adopted, but that have the potential to be flat-out globalized. 
 As the sci-fi novelist William Gibson said, the future is here, but is potentially asymmetric. An example of this statement can be found in Japan. Twenty years ago, schoolgirls already used up-to-date smartphones, the same ones we currently have. Nevertheless, some issues may turn out to be counterintuitive, such as making artificial meat or dealing with virtual money, these hypotheses may be handy to foresee our fate. 
 Pierre Wack, one of Shell’s planning gurus, said that the future is like shooting the rapids in a boat. You know the direction to the target but not the exact path, by the same token, the key is to be able to respond as fast as possible. Thus, reading, with its speculative role, may be a support for deterring people about what might be next. 

 335 words
Abrahan Baena
The Economist, 6 July 2019


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